Why I chose to move away from Analytics (temporarily)
As I did some soul searching these past few years, I found myself evaluating what motivates me to wake up every day and enjoy going to work. I found those priorities to be; continuing to have the independence of a consultant working in an industry that is doing something significant to affect the lives of others (to me that is/was Higher Education) working for a company that is forward thinking/moving (think Software as a Service) I have thoroughly enjoyed working in the BI/Analytics space these past 14 years but sometimes you need to take a little jibe to get to get your boat headed in the right direction. For now, I will learn the software and hope to land back in the analytics space with my new company as they are doing great things and just developing their presence in the higher ed and analytics space. From what I have seen with their software, they will do great things with Analytics and I hope to be part of that exciting direction!