Makeover Monday: Week29 | Paramaters

Makeover Monday; Week 29 - Lessons Learned | Parameters I. What tripped me up this time; the sort… It’s been awhile since I’ve created parameters, so when I created the parameter, I forgot to put it in the sort and couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t read the parameter; duh!. Remember with Parameter’s.. 3 things; Make it: Use it; Show it! So how did that roll with this Viz Make it; created the parameter to read Use It (in formula(s); Created 3 parameters with this formula; (Important; Not Important; Difference) A/B. NOT IMPORTANT : (same for Important except what is in parens) IF [Religious Importance] = 'Religion is very important' THEN [Value] END C. Difference { FIXED [Country] : SUM([NOT IMPORTANT])-SUM([IMPORTANT]) } Fixed tells Tableau to keep whatever is in brackets after the fixed the same even if you add/subtract som...