Dream Job & Fit Body/Mind
Reflection on my last year! How I found my dream job (for a dream company) and physically & mentally feel the best I have in many years if not my life? This blog is out of traditional context or the typical purposes of my blog as I reflect on my today on my birthday. Because I am about to enter a dream job with a dream company , I thought it might be beneficial to talk a little on the ‘how’ in my journey. A lot of this had to do with having extra time during covid while also owning my direction during this extra time. Because our social lives were shut down, I found myself embracing two significant pieces in my life that I wanted to own more. The first being jumping into Reporting and Tableau Analytics and the second being fitness. I will talk to both during this excerpt as I believe both are intertwined. THE JOB: Two weeks ago, I was offered, a dream job; A Senior Reporting and Analytics Role at Workday. It is not T...