MM_W17; Pivot.. why pivot data; discrete vs continous measures
Well this week I am keeping it simple because of some other commitments. For week 17, I had two pieces of information that I scratched my head about. The first is something that is key as a data analyst.. to pivot your data. Tableau loves data to be nicely organized into rows. This is the data as delivered from Data World. As you can see the data has many columns for each of the 'categories' of popcorn. This makes the data difficult to work with as columns in tableau. So, typically we will pivot the data so it is in rows. In the example below, this is the end result we wanted to reach. Each team has a category and score assigned. To get there all we had to do was 1.go to your data tab (Control + left mouse click) the rows we wanted to pivot 3.Right Click 4.Pivot Data wala! The last thing that I got stuck on was I was doing a dual axis chart and I couldn't get the data to present itself right. I ...