
Lessons Learned: MakeoverMonday_2018_W50 (MM...);
FYI: on MM; "Makeover Monday is your weekly learning and development appointment with yourself and hundreds of passionate data people. For free!  Join us every Monday to work with a given data set and create better, more effective visualizations and help us make information more accessible.The Makeover Monday community comes together every week from around the globe and we would love for YOU to become part of it, too. (this was copied from the MM website above)."

When I look at all the other viz's submitted I always feel like mine are from pre-school compared to the masters degree students out there. But one has to start somewhere right, so I push myself to work at it and put it out there.  I by no means think my viz's are good or really worthy of being published, so note that as you look at some of my work at this point. Link to my public page;

Week50; This week's dataset was about Land Use by Food Type. It really was a simple data set that did not need much work in terms of pivoting the data etc.  I did do one manipulation (See below).

Data and original viz; The data was in Land use per Square Meters. In the US, we tend to use miles as opposed to Meters so I added another column with the Miles calculation (Metres*3.861)

Weekly Learning Aspects; The items I wanted to learn this week were set actions (delivered in 2018.3) and doing something with an image behind the viz.

Lessons Learned; 
1. Images: Couple of things I struggled with when trying to add the image.
      a. create your image as a separate sheet in your dashboard
      b. use a x and y axis on your image (inspiration;  Story by Data; Kate Strachnyi)
      c. Make sure your sheets that you will use in your dashboard have no background (Right Click + Format sheet + Worksheet)

     d. Make sure your background maps are set to none as images are delivered in tableau(so you don't get the map navigation icons)
     e. When  you put your sheets on your dashboard; you will need to make sure they are on the dashboard as floating and NOT tiled.  Additionally, you may need to work with the floating order. And times you have to move one element to get to the other.
2. Just a note about the next step (not necessary a lesson learned). I created a standard side bar chart with my miles\metres conversion on it as a parameter to drive the set actions. I put the parameters in the title.
3. Sets
     a. For my set action; I wanted for interactivity based on the food type chosen and look at it as % of total. So when someone Control + Clicked on the viz, they could see how those pieces affected the whole piece of the pie.  (NOTE below Andy's opinion on this for this week's data set)
     a. I created a pie with the set in the color mark in the sheet. 
     b. in the dashboard; I then added the Set Actions
c.  The set action is driven by the Bar Chart and applies to the pie chart
 Lessons Learned; (Sets); your set must be created and sit on a viz before it can be used in a Dashboard action.

Inspirations (whom): 
3. Set Actions; Linsey Poulter; Public Page (you will notice there are many pages of instruction on this page) 

Session Feedback/Notes:  
1. Data Set is NOT a piece of the whole; In this weeks session ; Andy Kriebel talked about NOT using pie, doughnut or waffle charts or anything that looks at the data as a piece of the whole.  The data is not associated and thus should not be looked at that way.  So my pie chart (and use of set actions) should be removed from my viz.  Many times we need to step back and look at the data by itself before starting to deign.
2. Andy noted that my image just cluttered things up and that should be removed (but at least I learned by initially using it). 
3. they mentioned taking away my hand image (that I created as a symbol in a chart with tooltip) as the new button functionality wasn't working great for me.
4. Andy said over and over again that we need to cite our images and icons.  He mentioned that this is something that they repeat at every session.

** MM panelists (Andy Kribal & Carl Allchin) said Scott Kimley viz (see below) seemed to capture the best in terms data and understandably.  @ScottKimly. Here is the recorded link to the webinar if you want to review the whole hour. 
This was my 1st iteration;

AND, here's what I ended up without the image in the background. I kept the pie as I liked using that for set action and my learning.  There are many things I still would like to learn, like how to add the titles to the pie chart, collapsible menus, more with set actions, the new buttons... on an on an on!


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