MM_2018_W51; Waffle | Doughnut Charts

This week, my focus was to use Waffle Charts and doughnut  charts. I tried to use a parameter in a title for the doughnut chart but I couldn't get the LOD to work for them so pulled it back to just having an overall title instead of choosing years. So overall, I lost the interactivity aspect of it but was able to do a few more non-typical charts this week.

Lessons Learned.

1. Waffle Charts; You will see the before and after charts at the end of this blog. In general waffle charts can be a bit of work with the various formulas for each entity you need. So make sure you are ready for the work.  In my case; I ended up using 3 charts so there were 2 formulas per chart. (6 total)

    A. Andy Kriebel mentioned in my first iteration that waffles need to be square and mine was not. So I added another  text box to make them size appropriately in my dashboard.
    B. There is a awesome video done by Andy Kriebel that walks through the 'how to'. Use the template as it's great.
   C. I decided to just bring forward the top 3 incidents and only bring forward 2017/2018 as the data was a bit askew for the previous years and how the onbaording was categorized for those previous years.  I struggled with the formulas a little, but with help from Robert Headington; I was able to get it; Count(IF [Incident Event Type] = "Slip Trip Fall" THEN [Incident Event Type]
END)/COUNT([Incident Event Type]) The formula i used for the color was;   if (SUM([Waffle Chart Template].[Percentage]))<(ROUND([Slip Trip Fall  %  ],2)+0.005)
THEN 'Yes' Else 'No' END

2. Doughnut charts for genders; I ended up just taking the whole sum and putting the %age in the middle per gender. I struggled with the LOD% Formula; this is what I ended up with; LOD%
{ FIXED [Incident Event Type],[Year],[Victims Sex]: SUM([Number of Records])}
/{SUM([Number of Records])}You'll also need a Minus formulas for the circle piece that will not be represented; this was my formula; Minus: 1 - SUM([LOD %])

Your colors end up being based on your 2 pieces; I then matched (or tried) the middle colors with the gray so I could just put the number in there.

Before Webinar;

after webinar;

1. changed waffle to be square
2. changed the line charts to multiple instead of stacked on each other as Andy said the axis was too wide
3. my %ages were off on the doughnuts when I tried to make the years interactive so had to just hard code the overall and not have an interactive parameter.  I may still come back to this and fix it later once I get my head wrapped around parameters a bit more. 

Here's the interactive viz on public;


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