MM_2019_W04; Rabbit chasing | Formula's | Great Resources

The proverbial Rabbit hole;  This is my dog chasing a squirrel (we'll say a rabbit for this post though :-) This week, I went down a rabbit hole (def; To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds) .   I typically try to start with my own thoughts but also keep in mind that I want to learn new topics.  So as folks post to #MMVIZ review;I  think, oh that would be good to learn.  But what I learned this week is don't take on more than you can handle.  I started down a path with something that at this point was a bit above my head.  @r_headington had a great viz he posted that looked at using Zooming-in and sliding on a time-series in Tableau. He took his inspiration from @canonicalizedco's blog post… but changed the slider to set actions. Here is his final viz. I worked at breaking down the viz but got stuck on the zoom piece and what he was doing with the filter and the zoom before\after periods.  And then I was confused on some of the formulas he had and knew I was going to have to explain them here.  I also liked some of the heat maps but wanted more interactivity.  So, with time ticking away, I decided to go a different direction and try to keep it simple. To me the calendar view really made sense in my head and seemed a bit more simple.   But I still wanted the interaction as it had been a few weeks since I've had any interaction in my viz.  In the end this is what I would up with.


Two Starts\Stops

Luke Stoughton great heat map and breakdown of summer\winter and really liked the scatter plot.  I thought to go with Business and Non Business hours but then realized the weekends would play into that and there may have been weekends were work was being done and not sure I should have excluded all of those. So, decided to go a different direction (again).

My end result had 3 pieces of Dashboard from an information perspective; **
  1. The calendar is  simple to understand with averages across the top.
  2. Viz inside  tooltip allows to see the data by day
  3. The chart at the bottom allows to use Dashboard actions to look at specific timeframes like @R_headington did but was easier for me to understand and break down. (Inspiration; Bona Wang)
** By definition; it may be too much as Andy and Eva focus on keeping the MM Viz's simple. And the favorites this week were the viz's that had the most simplistic views but told a story.  For example compare the electricity to 'something'.  One viz compared the Year use of electricity  to having a HUGE tv screen on  the front of 10 and 11 downing street for 63 days straight.  Again, tell the story and I know comparatives help with the story.
What I learned this week.
  1. In the Tooltip worksheet; needed to have a time with AM/PM; These were the variables;
    1. Hour AMPM; (with the yellow highlight needs to be completed first)
      1. [Date Time (hour)] = DATEADD('hour',DATEPART('hour',[Time of day]),[Date])

  1. IF DATEPART('hour',[Date Time (hour)]) = 0 THEN '12'
ELSEIF DATEPART('hour',[Date Time (hour)])>12 THEN STR(DATEPART('hour',[Date Time (hour)])-12)
ELSE STR(DATEPART('hour',[Date Time (hour)])) END // this is for hours
+ ' ' +
IF DATEPART('hour',[Date Time (hour)])>=12 THEN 'PM' ELSE 'AM'

This became part of the tooltip in the bottom chart

  1. On the calendar it took me a little bit to find the formatting for the S (vs Sunday) to make it short and easy to read. In the Format  for Weekday (date), there is a First letter option.

  1. From the live presentation; Andy and Eva offered 3 excellent resources.
    1. Learning Tableau: Resources and tips to help you on your Tableau journey.
    2. Tableau Reference Guide; searchable tips on things like below;
  1. Joshua Milligan and his post on dates in Tableau.

  1. The folks that inspired me this week.
    1. Robert Headington
    2. Bona Wang
    3. Luke Stoughton
    4. Meera


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