MM_Week24; Basic chart drawing the reader to my points

Here is a little background on the above chart and some background on some of the things I had to think a bit about as I built.  Tableau Public Viz

·         Year Change (
o   FORMULA: FLOAT(LEFT([Year],4))
o   What it does; year was combined like this; 2018/2019 so the formulas took the last 4 digits of the year
·         Formula for Boys/Girls difference Since 2002
o   FORMULA; (ZN(SUM([Girls Participation])) - LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Girls Participation])), FIRST())) / ABS(LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Girls Participation])), FIRST()))
o   What it does; took the numbers and evaluated the comparison from 2003 to the next year always going back to 2003.
o   Pieces of the formula;
§  ZN; ZN tests to see if a function is null, and if it is, it will return a value of zero
§  Lookup; LOOKUP function that allows you to look up and down a partition of rows and return the value in that field by specifying an offset. In the formulas example, we are looking up the FIRST Value
§  ABS; This function returns the absolute value of the specified number.
o   Data:

·         Boys Soccer Change Formula (must group sport first)
o   IF ATTR([YEAR])=2018 AND ATTR([Sport (group)])='Soccer' THEN [Girls Difference Since 2002 ] END
·         What is does: helps with this formula that it ONLY attached to the Soccer attribute so it can be isolated by itself. (NOTE the Track and Field does not have a # associated to it so we can point the reader to the one attribute)

·         SPACER
Formula: IF ATTR([YEAR])=2018 AND ATTR([SPORT])='Soccer' THEN ' | ' END
What it does: only displays a | if it passes 2018/Soccer sport

·         I then manually created some sets for my top 5 sports
·         Global Format on Girls/Boys Soccer Change; +0.0%;-0.0%
·         Added ATTR(Year) (delivered year); ATTR([Year]) to  DETAILS
o   What is Does: Drop a dimension on Detail on the Marks card to separate the marks in a data view according to the members of a dimension. Unlike dropping a dimension on the Rows or Columns shelf, dropping it on Detail on the Marks card is a way to show more data without changing the table structure.
o   Without the Year on the Marks – Detail card;
o   This is what is looks like added (so I’ve allowed to change the most granular place where an analysis takes place)
·         Label (at ends to only show top)

What it does: displays sport the | (if 2018 and soccer) and the Soccer change (if 2018 and Soccer); else null

All other items are just formatting things.

Thanks for reading.. hope it helped!


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